HR Services in Georgia

Financial Chain Corporation provides high-quality HR services in Georgia and other countries of the world on an outsourcing basis. We will take over all the functions of a full-fledged HR department, providing an individual approach and flexible pricing policy, which gives our clients many benefits.

Experts and highly qualified specialists of the FCHAIN  will help you cope with many diverse tasks related to the effective organization of the internal personnel policy and the competent systematization of personnel administration. We will provide high-quality personnel services in accordance with the current legislation of Georgia. Thanks to the leading high-tech management tools, we will significantly improve the current business processes of your Company, which will certainly advance your business in all aspects.

HR service from FCHAIN includes:

  • Formation of personal files and organization of archival storage of signed personnel documents;
  • Maintenance of timesheets;
  • Registration and maintenance of vacation schedules, business trips and administration of disability certificates;
  • Local regulations, regulations and orders (development of new ones and correction of existing ones);
  • A full package of turnkey documents required for work with personnel and including personal files, employment contracts, payroll records;
  • Personnel policy, job descriptions and regulations;
  • Preparation and submission of all necessary documentation to the relevant government agencies;
  • A comprehensive independent audit of personnel (we will identify errors related to personnel records management and outline a concept for optimizing work).
  • Planning the needs of the company, taking into account the current staff.

Effective personnel management is a complex and time-consuming process that has a direct impact on the profitability of your Company. FСHAIN professionals will help you cope with the tasks of this area in the most beneficial way for you. From the first day of our cooperation, you will see the significant benefits of our service.


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