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Accounting Recovery in Georgia

Recovery of accounting and tax records is a very time-consuming work

Financial Chain Corporation uses an individual approach for accounting recovery, taking into account the specifics of the company’s activities, the current state of reporting, as well as the legislation of Georgia.

In what cases is the recovery of accounting records required?

  • with a low quality of accounting in the company
  • in the absence of accounting and tax records
  • a consequence of the accountant’s omissions, his absence or low qualification
  • if the company does not regularly file a tax return, does not pay taxes
  • if the tax return is not submitted correctly
  • in case of errors in calculations and accruals of wages and tax deductions
  • during upcoming inspections by regulatory authorities, a positive result of which can only be achieved in the case of corrected accounting

Features and stages of accounting recovery in the company

Since the process of accounting recovery is very complex and requires a lot of attention, we divide this process into several stages for the convenience of our clients.

  • Visual assessment of current documentation and electronic databases. Identification of the main problems, development of directions for further work. Evaluation of the cost of work.
  • A more in-depth assessment of the state of accounting. At this stage, a complete accounting report is prepared.
  • Preparation and approval of terms of reference for the accounting recovery.
  • Development of a program for the implementation of the service.
  • Correction of errors, addition and preparation of reports.
  • Report on the work performed, submission of documentation and restored electronic accounting database.

If your reporting has been lost or not filled out properly, professional lawyers and accountants of our company will restore it promptly and efficiently, with the provision of all necessary documentation. The result of the work of FCHAIN specialists is the complete readiness of the client for financial and tax audits, as well as further stability of the business as a whole.

During the accounting recovery, our specialists will answer all the customer’s questions and provide consulting services to the accounting department or the financial department for further reporting. We are fully responsible for the work done, so our clients are always protected and have full guarantees of a positive result after the recovery of accounting data.


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